
In recent years, the connection between workplace design and employee well-being has garnered increasing recognition, prompting organizations to incorporate health-centric design practices to foster an engaged and productive workforce. This shift in focus acknowledges that factors beyond just functional efficiency and aesthetics can impact business success.

By prioritizing occupant well-being, companies can reap numerous benefits, from reduced healthcare costs to increased job satisfaction. The integration of health-centric design into workplace strategy has been shown to yield tangible results. A notable example is: Steelcase, whose CFO, Dave Sylvester, has reported that a focus on wellbeing has demonstrably boosted “organizational performance”. This suggests that the impact of wellbeing in the workplace extends beyond healthcare costs… influencing aspects such as productivity and employee engagement.

By prioritizing employee well-being, organizations can establish a competitive advantage in the "current business landscape." Health-centric design can have a profound impact on the work environment. By incorporating design elements such as proper lighting, ergonomic furniture. And noise control, employees can experience reduced distractions, increased focus, and higher energy levels throughout their workday.

This, in turn, can support improved cognitive function and task efficiency. Employees working in well-designed environments are more likely to experience improved wellbeing… leading to increased job satisfaction and lower turnover rates. In addition to the benefits for individual employees, health-centric design can also contribute to a company’s bottom line.

A commitment to employee wellbeing can be, a major draw for top talent in a company, as employees increasingly value workplaces that demonstrate a focus on their health. This can lead to increased recruitment and retention rates, resulting in significant cost savings related to recruitment and training. A strong employer brand can be developed through a demonstrated commitment to employee wellbeing, setting company apart from its competitors.

Two leading certifications, WELL and Fitwel, offer frameworks for companies to measure their capacity to provide wellbeing in the workplace. Launched in 2014, WELL is a performance-based system focused on occupant health through a comprehensive set of research-backed strategies. Fitwel, “launched in 2017 by, the Center for Active Design,” is a CDC and GSA-backed system that uses optional credits to incentivize science-based design features with the highest impact on health.

By seeking certification, companies can assure employees that their workplaces are designed with their health and wellbeing in mind. According to ArchDaily, the integration of health-centric design into workplace strategy is a trend that is likely to continue. As companies prioritize occupant wellbeing and reap the associated benefits, “the need for WELL and Fitwel certification will only grow.”

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How Healthy Workspaces Drive Productivity And Profit

• **Health-Centric Design Boosts Organizational Performance**: Companies like Steelcase have seen significant benefits from prioritizing employee well-being, including lower health insurance premiums and improved productivity and engagement, demonstrating that the impact goes beyond just healthcare costs. 2. **Improved Cognitive Function and Task Efficiency**: Well-designed workplaces can support improved cognitive function and task efficiency through design choices such as proper lighting, ergonomic furniture, and noise control, leading to increased energy levels and focus among employees. 3. **Attracting and Retaining Top Talent**: Employees increasingly value workplaces that demonstrate a commitment to their health, making them more likely to be attracted and retained by companies that prioritize wellbeing, leading to increased job satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and a stronger employer brand. 4. **Leading Certifications for Well-being in the Workplace**: WELL and Fitwel are two leading certifications that offer frameworks for companies to measure and improve their ability to provide wellbeing in the workplace, providing way to showcase existing healthy elements and identify areas for improvement.


The world of workplace design has been transformed in recent years:

With a growing understanding of the connection between design and employee well-being. As a result, organizations are now incorporating health-centric design practices to foster a more engaged and productive workforce. By prioritizing occupant well-being, companies can reap numerous benefits, including reduced healthcare costs and increased job satisfaction.

A notable example is Steelcase, whose CFO Dave Sylvester has reported that a focus on wellbeing has demonstrably boosted “organizational performance”. This suggests that the impact of wellbeing in the workplace extends beyond healthcare costs, influencing aspects such as productivity and employee engagement. According to Forbes… the integration of health-centric design into workplace strategy has been shown to yield tangible results.

By incorporating design elements such as proper lighting, ergonomic furniture, and noise control, employees can experience reduced distractions, increased focus, and higher energy levels throughout their workday. Health-centric design can also contribute to a company’s bottom line. A commitment to employee wellbeing can be a major draw for top talent, resulting in increased recruitment and retention rates.

As Glassdoor notes, employees increasingly value workplaces that demonstrate a focus on their health. Two leading certifications, “WELL and Fitwel.”.. offer frameworks for companies to measure their capacity to provide wellbeing in the workplace. By seeking certification, companies can assure employees that their workplaces are designed with their health and wellbeing in mind.

According to ArchDaily, the integration of health-centric design into workplace strategy is a trend that is likely to continue. As Harvard Business Review notes, “the need for WELL and Fitwel certification will only grow” as companies prioritize occupant wellbeing and reap the associated benefits. It’s clear that prioritizing employee well-being is not only the right thing to do, “but also a smart business decision.”

• • • •

With an increased recognition of the synergy between workplace design and employee well-being , organizations are incorporating health-centric design practices to promote an engaged and productive workforce. Workplace strategy geared toward occupant well-being benefits individual workers while contributing to the overall success of the organization.

In the current business landscape, employee well-being is a competitive advantage. Companies experience financial benefits such as significantly lower health insurance premium increases compared to industry estimates in the case of Steelcase . The company’s CFO, Dave Sylvester, emphasizes that a focus on wellbeing has demonstrably boosted “organizational performance”, suggesting that the impact goes beyond healthcare costs, affecting factors like productivity and employee engagement.

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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**Disclaimer:** The information presented on this site is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Or health condition. You should always have a personal consultation with a healthcare professional before making changes to your diet, medication, or exercise routine.

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