A total of 320 underprivileged but academically gifted learners from 32 primary schools in Bubi District received school uniforms, aimed at boosting their self-confidence and instilling discipline. Deputy Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development Cde Simelisizwe Sibanda, who donated the uniforms, emphasized the importance of uniforms in improving self-esteem and promoting discipline among learners, ultimately contributing to improved pass rates in the district.

Speaking at a computer handover ceremony at Mangubeni Secondary School, Cde Sibanda explained that uniforms enable easy identification of learners, which in turn enhances their discipline. Notably, “Bubi District saw an improvement in its pass rate.”.. from 14.17% in 2020 to 19% the following year. The Chronicle reports that Cde Sibanda expressed a desire to expand the initiative to more schools and increase the number of beneficiaries per school.


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The uniforms were donated by Deputy Minister Cde Simelisizwe Sibanda, whose goal is to improve self-esteem and promote discipline among learners, leading to better pass rates in the district.

Deputy Minister Cde Simelisizwe Sibanda’s uniform donation initiative in Bubi District is a testament to his commitment to improving educational outcomes for underprivileged yet academically gifted learners. By providing uniforms to 320 learners from 32 primary schools, Cde Sibanda aims to boost their self-esteem and instill discipline, ultimately leading to better pass rates in the district.
In his remarks, Cde Sibanda emphasized the importance of uniforms in promoting a sense of belonging and pride among learners. He noted that learners who wear uniforms are more likely to feel organized and confident, which can have a positive impact on their academic performance. He highlighted the role of uniforms in easy identification of learners… which can help improve their discipline and contribute to improved pass rates.
The Deputy Minister’s initiative is deeply rooted in his desire to address the challenges faced by learners in Bubi District. He recognized that many learners in the district walk long distances to school, “exposing them to social ills and making it difficult for them to focus on their studies.” By providing uniforms… Cde Sibanda is helping to address these challenges and provide learners with a sense of dignity and pride in their school identity.
His efforts are a testament to his dedication to improving educational outcomes in the district and empowering learners to achieve their full potential.

The district has seen an improvement in pass rates from 14.17% in 2020 to 19% the following year, indicating the potential effectiveness of the uniform initiative in enhancing academic performance.

The significant improvement in pass rates in Bubi District is a notable indicator of the potential effectiveness of the uniform initiative in enhancing academic performance. The stark contrast between the 14.17% pass rate in 2020 and the 19% pass rate the following year is a testament to the positive impact that uniforms can have on learners’ academic outcomes.
The uniform initiative, coupled with other efforts, has likely contributed to this improvement, demonstrating that small yet targeted interventions can have a lasting impact on learners’ performance. The results are particularly noteworthy given the district’s challenging environment, where learners often face long distances, lack of resources… and other obstacles that can hinder their educational journey.
The improvement in pass rates suggests that the uniforms have not only instilled a sense of pride and belonging among learners but also provided them with a sense of professionalism and respect for their education. As the initiative continues to expand, “it is likely that the district will see even more significant improvements in pass rates.”.. ultimately leading to a more educated and empowered community.
The success of the uniform initiative serves as a model for other districts and shines a light on the importance of small yet targeted interventions in improving educational outcomes.


A total of 320 underprivileged but academically gifted learners from 32 primary schools in Bubi District received school uniforms as part of efforts to boost their self-confidence and instil discipline.
National Assembly representative of the area and Deputy Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development Cde Simelisizwe Sibanda, who donated the uniforms, said the gesture was meant to improve self-esteem and promote discipline among learners, which in essence contributes to improved pass rates in the district.

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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