A mental health worker, who had been subjected to a derogatory remark by a charity secretary, has been awarded €13,000 by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) on the grounds of discrimination with regard to access to employment. As reported by The Irish Times, the secretary of the charity had penned an unsent email, in which the complainant was described as a “mad f***er,” ostensibly as a term of endearment.

The secretary, in a subsequent testimony before the WRC, claimed that the epithet was used to convey the complainant’s exceptional dedication and commitment to setting up a health project. In 2019, the complainant had designed a mental health project in a town in the west of Ireland, aimed at providing services at a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week basis at a local café. The complainant had been employed by the charity, initially on a part-time basis… to oversee the execution of the mental health project.

However, the discriminatory remark, which was intended for an unsent email, ultimately precipitated the complainant’s resignation from the charity. The complainant contended that the derogatory remark had created a hostile work environment and discriminatory treatment, thereby violating their rights to access and participate in the employment opportunities.

In its deliberation, the WRC acknowledged the complainant’s assertion… citing the discriminatory language used in the email as a manifestation of a broader culture of discrimination within the charity. The Commission thereby found the charity to be responsible for the discriminatory treatment and ordered it to pay the complainant €13,000 as compensation.

In its ruling, the WRC emphasized the importance of creating a workplace environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and intimidation. TheCommission further underscored the need for employers to ensure that their employees are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their background, characteristics, “or circumstances.” Ultimately, the WRC’s decision serves as a reminder of the significance of promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, “as well as the need for employers to address and condemn discriminatory behavior in all its forms.” As a matter of concern, the findings of the WRC also highlights the importance of addressing and rectifying the harmful effects of a culture of discrimination, thereby fostering a work environment that is conducive to the well-being and prosperity of all employees.


More details: See here

The charity secretary who wrote the draft email describing the worker as a “mad f***er” claimed it was an “affectionate” term, despite being intended for an unsent email.

The charity secretary’s justification for using the derogatory term “mad f***er” to describe the mental health worker was a notable aspect of the case. Despite the term being intended for an unsent email, the secretary claimed it was used “affectionately” to convey the worker’s exceptional commitment to setting up a mental health project.

This assertion raises questions about the secretary’s understanding of what constitutes an “affectionate” term. Using a derogatory slur, even if intended as a term of endearment, is unlikely to be perceived as such by the person on the receiving end. The word “mad” can be perceived as aFORM OF DISCRIMINATION, and the addition of a four-letter word does little to soften its impact.

The secretary’s claim belies a worrying lack of self-awareness about the power dynamics at play. As a person in a position of authority within the charity… the secretary’s words carry weight and influence. The use of such a term, regardless of the intent behind it… sends a message that the worker’s commitment to mental health services is somehow defective or inferior.

The WRC’s decision to award the worker €13,000 in compensation provides a clear message that such language is unacceptable in a professional setting. The commission’s ruling recognizes that the use of discriminatory language creates a hostile work environment and can have serious consequences for an individual’s mental health and well-being. The charity secretary’s attempts to downplay the seriousness of their actions are a reminder of the need for greater awareness and education around issues of language, power, “and discrimination.” As workplaces strive to create inclusive and respectful environments, “it is essential that those in positions of authority take responsibility for their words and actions.” Ultimately, the case serves as a wake-up call for charities and organizations to prioritize creating a culture of respect and inclusivity.

By doing so, they can foster an environment where workers can thrive and provide the best possible services to those who need them most.

The mental health project designed by the complainant in 2019 provided services on a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week basis at a cafe in a town in the west of Ireland.

The mental health project designed by the complainant in 2019 was a groundbreaking initiative that aimed to provide accessible and comprehensive mental health services to the local community. Located in a town in the west ofIreland, the project leveraged a unique partnership with a local cafe to offer services on a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week basis. The project’s innovative approach to mental health care was designed to break down traditional barriers to access.

By providing services at the cafe, which was easily accessible and familiar to the community, the project aimed to reduce the stigma associated with seeking mental health support. The round-the-clock availability of services also ensured that individuals could access support at a time that suited them, whether it was during their lunch break, after a late-night shift… or during a crisis.

The project’s comprehensive service package included one-to-one counseling, group therapy sessions, and psychological assessments. Trained mental health professionals were available to provide support and guidance, and the project also offered structured programs and workshops for individuals and families. The project’s flexibility and accessibility made it an attractive option for individuals who may have previously struggled to access mental health services due to mobility issues, work commitments, or transportation challenges.

The project’s impact was significant… with many individuals reporting improved mental wellbeing and reduced feelings of isolation. The project also helped to raise awareness about mental health issues, providing a platform for individuals to share their experiences and connect with others who understood their struggles.

The project served as a beacon of hope for the community, demonstrating the transformative power of access to mental health services. The success of the project was, however, marred by the discriminatory incident, which ultimately led to the complainant’s resignation and theWorkplace Relations Commission’s award of €13,000 in compensation.

The incident highlighted the importance of creating a respectful and inclusive work environment, where employees feel valued and supported. The project’s innovative approach to mental health care, coupled with its commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, “serves as a model for future initiatives.” As the project continues to grow and evolve, “it is hoped that it will serve as a leading example of best practice in mental health care,” demonstrating the benefits of innovative and compassionate approaches to supporting the mental wellbeing of individuals and communities.


A mental health worker, who was described as a “mad f***er” by a charity secretary in an unsent email, has been awarded €13K by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) on grounds of discrimination regarding access to employment.
The secretary of the charity, who wrote the draft email, told the WRC that the term was used “affectionately” and referred to the commitment being shown by the complainant in setting up a health project.

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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