Nichole Babiez, a renowned luxury traveling wedding photographer, recalled an extraordinary incident while capturing bridal photos for the Hall couple in Chicago. As they were en route to the Art Institute, Brittany suddenly spotted a building with gold revolving doors, prompting her to seize the opportunity to indulge in a playful display of movement, with Alex Hall following suit.

The photographer, based in Chicago, fondly remembers the couple’s carefree antics as she documented their whimsical moment. As the couple’s merriment reached its crescendo, a stranger, Ashrafal, suddenly appeared and approached the group. He inquired if they would be interested in utilizing the rooftop for a half-hour photo session, which left Babiez and the couple in stunned silence.

She shared with PEOPLE exclusively, “We were truly astonished by the generosity… as it’s an unprecedented occurrence in our experience of capturing weddings downtown for nearly eight years.” Ashrafal escorted the group to the rooftop, where he graciously allowed them to take as many pictures as they desired, surrounded by the majestic Chicago skyline.

Babiez divulged that the couple, hailing from Wisconsin, were ecstatic about the unexpected turn of events, spending approximately 15-20 minutes on the roof overlooking Navy Pier. The photographer noted, “They were thrilled to secure their dream Chicago photos, and having the rooftop offered was the proverbial icing on the cake!” After the photo shoot… Babiez shared the heartwarming encounter on TikTok, with the intention of locating the anonymous stranger.

To her surprise, the video garnered over 900,000 views, and a friend of Ashrafal’s on TikTok facilitated their reconnection. When asked about his motivations, Ashrafal’s response was a poignant expression of selflessness. Peoplemag reported that Babiez’s video has been viewed numerous times, “and Ashrafal’s gesture has inspired countless individuals worldwide.” The photographer’s decision to share her experience on TikTok has not only bridged the gap between two individuals but has also fostered a sense of kindness and generosity.

The incident serves as a testament to the power of serendipity and the human capacity for compassion. AsPEOPLE reported, Babiez’s encounter with Ashrafal has created a lasting impression on both the photographer and the couple, “serving as a poignant reminder of the importance of kindness and generosity.”


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Stranger In Chicago Offers Rooftop For Wedding Photos (Exclusive)

• A luxury traveling wedding photographer, NicholeBabiez, captured an unexpected surprise while taking bridal photos of the Hall couple in Chicago. The bride, Brittany, spotted a building with gold revolving doors and decided to playfully dart through them, with her fiancé Alex following suit. 2. A stranger, Ashrafal, approached the group and offered to use the rooftop of the building for a 30-minute photoshoot, which came as a shock to Babiez since it was an unprecedented occurrence in her experience of photographing weddings in downtown Chicago for almost eight years. 3. The couple, from Wisconsin, spent 15-20 minutes taking photos on the rooftop overlooking the Navy Pier, which offered a picturesque backdrop of the cityscape. They were thrilled to get their dream Chicago photos and considered the surprise offer as the “icing on the cake”. 4. After the photo shoot, Babiez posted about the encounter on TikTok to find the stranger. The video went viral, garnering over 900,000 views, and eventually led to her reconnection with Ashrafal through his friend on TikTok. Ashrafal’s heartwarming response to why he did what he did added to the surprise and inspiration of the encounter.

Kindness in unexpected places

In an era where worry and uncertainty seem to dominate the headlines, it’s heartwarming to come across stories that remind us of the power of kindness. And that’s exactly what happened when Nichole Babiez, a renowned photographer, stumbled upon a stranger’s act of generosity in the midst of a bustling city. According to Peoplemag, the photographer was capturing the special moments of a wedding in Chicago when a man, Ashrafal, approached the group and offered them the use of his rooftop for a photo session.

AsBabiez recounts, the couple, Brittany and Alex Hall, were thrilled to take advantage of this unexpected opportunity, and spent around 15-20 minutes on the rooftop, surrounded by the majestic Chicago skyline. For Babiez, who has been capturing weddings in the city for nearly eight years… this act of kindness was unprecedented and left her and the couple in stunned silence.

Ashrafal’s gesture was not only a surprise but also a testament to the human capacity for compassion and kindness. What made this encounter truly remarkable was not just the act of kindness itself but also the way it was shared with the world. Babiez, wanting to locate the anonymous stranger, shared the heartwarming encounter on TikTok, with a video that has since garnered over 900,000 views. A friend of Ashrafal’s on TikTok helped facilitate their reconnection, and Ashrafal has since shared his motivations behind the act of kindness.

When asked, he responded with a poignant expression of selflessness… highlighting the importance of kindness and generosity. This story serves as a powerful reminder that kindness can be found in the most unexpected places. It’s a message that resonates with people from all walks of ⁘⁘⁘, and one that we can all learn from.

As we navigate the complexities of modern ⁘⁘⁘, it’s easy to get caught up in our own worries and concerns, but it’s essential to remember that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a profound impact on someone’s ⁘⁘⁘. Ashrafal’s gesture has also inspired countless individuals worldwide, and his story has created a lasting impression on bothBabiez and the couple.

AsPEOPLE reported, the encounter “serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of kindness and generosity.” It’s a testament to the power of serendipity and the human capacity for compassion, and a reminder that even in the midst of chaos, “kindness can be found.” As we move forward, “it’s essential that we continue to share stories of kindness and generosity,” and strive to create a world where such ← →

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Nichole Babiez was en route from Walden Chicago to the Art Institute with Brittany and Alex Hall to capture bridal photos of the couple when the bride suddenly noticed a building with gold revolving doors.
Babiez, a luxury traveling wedding photographer based in Chicago, fondly recalls Brittany seizing the chance to play and dart through the doors, with Alex following suit.

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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