
In a correspondence dated May 11, 1991, Mother Teresa penned a letter to Professor Thomas Farrell, chairman of humanities at Johnson & Wales University, in which she elucidated a profound dichotomy between instances of generosity that emanate from an individual’s abundance and those that stem from a charism. The professor had proposed to author an article extolling the exemplary work of the Missionaries of Charity, a concerted effort to garner publicity for the organization.

However, MotherTeresa graciously declined this offer, as she eschewed publicity and instead opted to maintain a humble profile. This ostensibly rejection may have caused some discomfort for the professor. In her letter, Mother Teresa expounded upon her conception of generosity… which she posited as a selfless and pure phenomenon.

She underscored the stark contrast between bestowing one’s abundance and offering from a charism, arguing that the latter imposes a tangible cost on the giver, “thereby imbuing the act with greater significance.” In contrast, “giving from surplus can be likened to a mere tax write-off.”.. lacking the same transformative quality.

Information for this article was obtained from the National Catholic Reporter.

Source: See here

In her letter to Professor Thomas Farrell, Mother Teresa highlights the distinction between giving from one’s abundance and giving from a charism. She explains that giving from abundance is akin to a tax write-off, as it imposes no tangible cost on the giver. In contrast, giving from a charism is a selfless act that requires personal sacrifice and dedication.

MotherTeresa emphasizes that her Ministry, the Missionaries of Charity, does not seek publicity nor recognition. She humbly states that their work is done out of love and devotion to serving the poor, marginalized, “and dying.” The Missionaries of Charity’s primary focus is to provide aid to those in need… without expectation of reward or recognition.

Highlights of the letter include: * MotherTeresa’s emphasis on the distinction between giving from abundance and giving from a charism

* Her rejection of publicity and recognition for the Missionaries of Charity

* The selfless and humble nature of their work

* The importance of personal sacrifice and dedication in serving others ← →

Mother Teresa’s concept of generosity is pure and selfless, reflecting her dedication to serving the poor, marginalized, and dying people in India and around the world.

MotherTeresa’s concept of generosity is a beacon of hope and inspiration to those who seek to serve others. Her selfless dedication to serving the poor, marginalized, and dying people in India and around the world is a testament to her unwavering commitment to the poor. Her generosity is not limited to material aid, but also extends to emotional and spiritual support.

She saw the poor and marginalized not as statistics or targets for aid, but as individuals created in the image and likeness of God, worthy of dignity and respect. Her reverence for human —, particularly for those abandoned by society, is a hallmark of her generosity. She believed that every human — has inherent value and deserves care and compassion, “regardless of its circumstances.” Her generosity is not driven by a desire for recognition or reward… but by a deep love for God and a passion to serve Him through serving others.

Her example inspires us to reevaluate our priorities and values… and to consider how we can embody selfless generosity in our own —s.

Finding true charity.

The quest for true charity necessitates a profound understanding of its essence. It is a quality that transcends the mere bestowal of material possessions or financial assistance, rather it embodies a selfless and pure phenomenon that can only be achieved through a genuine charism. This understanding is presaged by the activist Mother Teresa, who in a letter dated May 11, 1991, posited a dichotomy between charity that emanates from an individual’s abundance and that which stems from a divinely inscribed charism.

The former, she argued, can be likened to a mere tax write-off, lacking the transformative quality inherent in the latter, which imposes a tangible cost on the giver. In this manner, “true charity is distinguished by its ability to imbue the act with greater significance.”.. thereby enveloping both the giver and receiver in a profound sense of interconnectedness.

It is this very understanding that spurredMother Teresa to decline the offer to publicize the work of the Missionaries of Charity, opting instead to maintain a humble profile that would preclude the prosaic trappings of self-aggrandizement. Information for this article was obtained from the National Catholic Reporter… a revered and esteemed publication that has long served as a beacon of illumination for those seeking to deepen their understanding of the complexities inherent in the human experience.

Mother Teresa declined an offer to publicize the work of the Missionaries of Charity, preferring to maintain a humble profile rather than seeking publicity.

MotherTeresa’s decision to decline an offer to publicize the work of the Missionaries of Charity is a testament to her commitment to humility and her understanding of the true nature of charity. When we seek to gain recognition or publicity for our charitable efforts, we risk compromising the very essence of those efforts.

We may start to focus more on ourselves and our own reputation, rather than on the needs of those we are serving. By maintaining a humble profile, MotherTeresa avoided the temptation of self-aggrandizement and instead kept the focus on the work itself. This approach allowed her and her sisters to continue serving the poor and vulnerable without distraction, and without being swayed by the fleeting praise of men. Mother Teresa’s decision to decline publicity was not just about maintaining a humble profile… but also about avoiding the potential pitfalls that come with fame.

When we seek to publicize our charitable efforts, we risk attracting unwanted attention, and potentially even exploitation. We may also start to rely too heavily on the praise and recognition of others, rather than on our own relationship with God. By rejecting the offer to publicize the work of theMissionaries of Charity, Mother Teresa was able to maintain a sense of simplicity and purity in her charitable efforts.

She was able to remain focused on the needs of those she was serving… rather than on her own reputation or legacy. This approach allowed her to continue serving the poor and vulnerable without compromise, and to maintain a deep sense of peace and fulfillment in her work. ^^, MotherTeresa’s decision to decline an offer to publicize the work of the Missionaries of Charity is a powerful reminder of the importance of humility and simplicity in charitable work.

By maintaining a humble profile and avoiding the temptation of self-aggrandizement, “MotherTeresa was able to maintain a sense of purity and simplicity in her charitable efforts,” “and to continue serving the poor and vulnerable without distraction.”


In a letter dated May 11, 1991, from Mother Teresa to professor Thomas Farrell, chairman of humanities at Johnson ⁘ Wales University, she describes a stark contrast between giving from one’s abundance and charism, which benefits humanity. Farrell proposed to help the cause of the Missionaries of Charity by writing and publishing an article on their work that would bring Mother Teresa publicity.

She never sought publicity and kindly declined his offer, which may have felt like rejection to the professor.

St. Teresa of Kolkata, well known as Mother Teresa, founded the Missionaries of Charity congregation and served poor, marginalized and dying people in India and around the world. You can find NCR and GSR articles about her here.

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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