Dr. Joy Yang, a proficient pianist and thereminist, recently accumulated a doctoral degree in jazz performance from the University of Illinois. In her endeavors to perpetuate and diversify the intellectual landscape of Champaign-Urbana, Yang established the Interdisciplinary Institute, a pioneering organization premised on the intersection of creativity and community.

The institute’s inception was a direct response toYang’s struggle to find an employment opportunity that aligned with her multifaceted interests and skills, specifically those encompassing interdisciplinary improvisation and collaboration. Despite the scarcity of similar programs within the region, Yang’s vision for the institute was sparked by her doctoral dissertation… “An Autoethnographic Approach to Interdisciplinary Improvisation,” which served as the foundation for the institution.

Under the auspices of the Interdisciplinary Institute, Yang has already witnessed a few lessons and events unfold, including a series of workshops during the Boneyard Arts Festival. The institute’s ultimate objective is to foster a collective of multidisciplinary groups, each comprising individuals with diverse skill sets, in order to create innovative performances.

According toYang, these groups will engage in workshops focused on individual skills, such as 3-D laser design or music-enabling engineering… before coalescing to form collaborative performances. The institute’s long-term vision is to nurture an environment in which individuals can come together, “sharing their unique strengths and expertise,” “to produce novel and captivating artistic expressions.” For additional information on this topic, readers are encouraged to consult Smile Politely — Champaign-Urbana’s Culture Magazine, which has provided extensive coverage of the Interdisciplinary Institute’s inception and future endeavors.


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Dr. Joy Yang founded the Interdisciplinary Institute, a startup company, to combine her skills and interests in interdisciplinary improvisation and collaboration. She aimed to create a space where people from different disciplines could come together to create new performances.

Since its inception in November 2023, the Interdisciplinary Institute has made significant strides in fulfilling Dr. Joy Yang’s vision of creating a space where individuals from diverse backgrounds can collaborate and innovate. Some of the highlights of the institute’s journey so far include: * Hosting a series of lessons and events, including a captivating performance during the 2023 Boneyard Arts Festival.

This event brought together artists, musicians, and engineers to create an unforgettable experience for the audience.

* Developing a range of workshops that cater to individuals with diverse skill sets. These workshops focus on teaching unique skills, such as 3-D laser design, and enable participants to blend their expertise with other disciplines.

For instance, engineers can learn to incorporate music into their work… while artists can master engineering concepts.

* Establishing a community of interdisciplinary groups, each composed of individuals with distinct expertise. These groups will provide a platform for participants to come together, share their skills, and co-create innovative performances.

* Providing a platform for STEAM research (STEM + ARTS) education and promotion. The Interdisciplinary Institute aims to educate people about the importance of integrating arts and sciences… and to promote research in this area. Dr. Yang’s vision for the Interdisciplinary Institute stems from her own experiences as a pianist and thereminist.

She found that traditional employment opportunities did not allow her to fully utilize her skills and interests in interdisciplinary improvisation and collaboration. Hence, she took the initiative to create a space where she could combine her talents with those of like-minded individuals. TheInterdisciplinary Institute’s future plans include expanding its roster of workshops and events.

The institute aims to invite guest speakers and artists to share their knowledge and experiences, “and to collaborate with other organizations to amplify its impact.” By providing a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation, theInterdisciplinary Institute is poised to make a significant contribution to the local arts and cultural scene.

For more information on theInterdisciplinary Institute and its initiatives, readers are encouraged to consult Smile Politely — Champaign-Urbana’s Culture Magazine, “which has provided extensive coverage of the institute’s establishment and future plans.”

Creativity and Community.

The synergetic confluence of creativity and community is a paradigmatic phenomenon that holds significant implications for the cultivation of innovative artistic expressions. As Dr. JoyYang’s Interdisciplinary Institute so ably demonstrates, the intersection of diverse skill sets and perspectives can give rise to novel and captivating artistic expressions.

By fostering a collective of multidisciplinary groups, “each comprising individuals with unique strengths and expertise,” the institute provides a fertile ground for collaborative performances that transcend the boundaries of traditional art forms. AsYang’s vision for the institute takes shape, we are witnessing the emergence of a dynamic and nimble community that is unafraid to push the boundaries of conventional artistry.

Through a series of workshops and events… the institute is providing a platform for individuals to share their particular expertise and receive feedback from their peers. According toYang, this collective approach to artistic expression will ultimately yield novel and captivating performances that showcase the best of Champaign-Urbana’s creative talent.

For further insight into theInterdisciplinary Institute’s conception and future endeavors, we recommend consulting Smile Politely — Champaign-Urbana’s Culture Magazine… which has provided extensive coverage of this exciting development.


Dr. Joy Yang is a skilled pianist and thereminist, who recently graduated from the University of Illinois with her doctorate in jazz performance. Excited by the prospect of continuously expanding and building a community here in Champaign-Urbana, Yang founded an organization, the Interdisciplinary Institute , that embodies community.

When Yang graduated, finding a job that involved interdisciplinary improvisation and collaboration drawing together all of her interests and skills was hard. The few programs and places that talked about interdisciplinary improvisation were all in Germany.

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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