Want to boost your energy level and memory? Drink your coffee like this:
Coffee can make you smarter, according to research. While ingesting caffeine before learning a new skill or information has little to no effect on memory recall, one study found that consuming caffeine after a learning task improved memory recall up to 24 hours later.
Drinking a little coffee in the morning can help kick-start your day, but drinking a little later in the day can help you retain what you’ve learned during the day. This is because caffeine blocks adenosine, a nucleoside that regulates physiological processes in the brain. When adenosine can’t bind, you feel alert and awake.
A 2019 study found that participants who ingested caffeine for 20 days experienced a significant increase in peak cycling power, which is a proxy for feeling alert and energetic. However, the effect gradually diminished over time, reaching pre-study levels after 15 days.
Coffee can also make you smarter. While research has found little to no effect from ingesting caffeine prior to creating new memories, one study determined ingesting caffeine after a learning task improved memory recall up to 24 hours later.
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