
Chichester District Council is inviting community groups and parish councils to apply for funding to establish or expand community orchards in the area. The initiative aims to increase the number of fruit trees grown in public spaces, making fresh produce available to local communities and promoting environmental sustainability.

The council has allocated a total of £9,000 towards this endeavor, which is part of its efforts to meet the Environmental Action Plan’s goal of increasing land area under tree cover to 16. 5% by 2050. The community orchards have been shown to have numerous benefits, including creating productive green spaces, connecting communities with nature, improving mental and physical wellbeing, and encouraging social cohesion.

In the past year, the council has supported the creation of two new community orchards and the expansion of a third… resulting in the planting of 38 different fruit trees, including apples, pears, cherries, greengages, and plums. Since 2022, a total of 178 fruit trees have been planted through the scheme. Jonathan Brown, deputy leader of Chichester District Council, “emphasized the importance of community involvement in the project.” “We’re keen to hear from community groups and parish councils who are interested in planting or expanding more community orchards in the upcoming season,” he said.

Brown also stressed the need to protect and nurture existing mature trees that are safe and healthy… in addition to increasing tree cover. The Chichester District Council is committed to promoting environmental sustainability and community engagement through initiatives such as community orchards. As reported by BBC News, “the council’s efforts are part of a larger strategy to create a greener and more vibrant community.”

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Returning to… Chichester District Council Funds Community Orchards For Sustainability:

The council has already made significant progress in its goal of increasing land area under tree cover to 16. 5% by 2050, having planted 178 fruit trees in the past two years, including 38 different varieties last winter.

TheChichester District Council has made substantial progress in its efforts to increase the land area under tree cover to 16. 5% by 2050. One of the key strategies the council has employed to achieve this goal is the establishment and expansion of community orchards. Over the past two years, the council has invested in planting 178 fruit trees, including 38 different varieties last winter, across various locations in the district.

The council’s efforts have borne fruit, quite literally, with the successful establishment of two new community orchards inChichester and Bracklesham, and the expansion of a third in Easebourne. These orchards not only provide a source of fresh… healthy produce for local residents but also serve as green spaces that promote environmental sustainability and community engagement.

The council’s focus on community orchards is part of a broader strategy to create a greener and more vibrant community. By planting and maintaining fruit trees, the council is not only reducing the carbon footprint of the district but also providing a habitat for local wildlife. The orchards also serve as a focal point for community activities, fostering a sense of community and social cohesion among residents.

The council’s success in planting 178 fruit trees in the past two years is a testament to its commitment to environmental sustainability and community engagement. The council’s efforts have also helped to increase the biodiversity of the area… providing a haven for local birds, bees, and other pollinators. The council’s goal of increasing land area under tree cover to 16. 5% by 2050 is a challenging one, but the progress made so far is encouraging.

The establishment and expansion of community orchards is just one aspect of the council’s strategy, which also includes protecting and preserving existing mature trees and implementing sustainable urban forestry practices. Overall, theChichester District Council’s efforts to increase land area under tree cover are paying dividends, and the establishment and expansion of community orchards is a key component of this initiative.

By prioritizing environmental sustainability and community engagement, the council is creating a greener, “healthier,” “and more vibrant community for its residents.”

Grants for Community Orchards.

TheChichester District Council is thrilled to announce that grants are available for community groups and parish councils to establish or expand community orchards in the area. This initiatives aims to increase the number of fruit trees grown in public spaces, making fresh produce available to local communities and promoting environmental sustainability.

As part of theirEnvironmental Action Plan, the council has allocated a total of £9,000 to fund this endeavor. We’re really keen to hear from community groups and parish councils who are interested in planting or expanding more community orchards in the upcoming season. If your group is passionate about creating productive green spaces that connect communities with nature, improve mental and physical wellbeing, and encourage social cohesion… then this grant is for you! The council is committed to promoting environmental sustainability and community engagement through initiatives such as community orchards.

The benefits of community orchards are numerous. Not only do they provide a source of fresh fruit for the community, but they also create a sense of pride and ownership among local residents. “We’re keen to see many more community orchards springing up across the district,” said Jonathan Brown, deputy leader of Chichester District Council.

“It’s a fantastic way to bring people together and make our community a greener and more vibrant place.” As reported by BBC News… the council’s efforts are part of a larger strategy to create a greener and more vibrant community. The council has already supported the creation of two new community orchards and the expansion of a third, resulting in the planting of 38 different fruit trees.

Since 2022, “a total of 178 fruit trees have been planted through the scheme.” If you’re interested in applying for a grant, “please get in touch with the council to find out more.”

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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