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I have always been involved in some form of physical activity, from weight training to martial arts, and around my 60th birthday I got into bodybuilding. However, it was not unusual to miss several months at a time for various reasons. In addition to family and work issues, several surgeries caused me to suspend training. I’ve had both shoulders decompressed, a deviated septum corrected (a result of my Tae Kwon Do studies) and a spinal surgery that cost me three months.

Coupled with the inability to train on the road, the shutdown of gyms meant that I was solely working out at home. I have never found pure bodyweight workouts appealing, and had only minimal equipment available at the beginning of quarantine. I ordered some resistance bands, but the global logistics issues resulted in a lengthy delay in their arrival. The same issue affected the building of my garage gym .The result was that my workouts became markedly inconsistent.

On the nutrition side, I also struggled to stick to the macronutrients and calories in my healthy eating plan: in order to support the struggling restaurant industry, my wife and I routinely ordered from three or four of our favorite local restaurants. And like many others, we also found ourselves drinking too much and watching too much television.

Bob and I set up two three-day training splits. The first was heavier compound movements, and the second was higher rep isolation movements. He left cardio up to me, but encouraged me to begin each day with fasting fat-burning cardio. I began each day with 16 ounces of water, a cup of coffee, and a 45-minute walk. Then it was meal one. I then did my weight training for 60 to 90 minutes followed by meal two. Another 45-minute walk was followed by meal three and a shower, with meals four and five about three hours apart. On non-weight training days, I would add to or replace one of the walking workouts with a 30-minute HIIT session on an elliptical machine.

Consistent Intense Resistance Training

As one approaches the twilight of ___, it becomes increasingly imperative to prioritize one’s physical well-being in order to maintain a semblance of vitality and youthfulness. For the gentlemen and ladies who have reached the esteemed age of 63, the challenge of building muscle and achieving a chiseled physique may seem daunting, if not utterly quixotic.

However, with the right approach and unwavering dedication, it is entirely feasible to defy the vicissitudes of time and attain a level of muscularity that belies one’s years. The cornerstone of any successful resistance training program is, of course, consistency. It is not enough to simply pester one’s muscles with a haphazard array of exercises, but rather a deliberate and methodical approach must be employed.

This entails setting a regular schedule and sticking to it, rain or shine… come what may. The individual must be prepared to temporarily sacrifice convenience and comfort in order to reap the ultimate reward: a robust and agile physique. Intensity is another crucial component of a resistance training program. One cannot simply coast through a workout, relying on half-hearted effort to elicit a satisfactory response from one’s muscles. No, the individual must push themselves to the limit, testing their mettle against the weights and machines that lie before them.

This may require a certain amount of mental toughness, but the payoff in terms of muscle growth and strength gains is well worth the effort. Now… it is essential to note that the average individual at the age of 63 may not possess the same level of physical prowess as they did in their youth. This is a natural consequence of the aging process, and one must be prepared to adapt their training protocol accordingly.

This may involve modifying the exercises to reduce the risk of injury, incorporating more manageable weights and reps, and focusing on higher-intensity, shorter-duration workouts. ^^, the key to successful resistance training at the age of 63 is to strike a delicate balance between consistency, intensity, and adaptability.

By setting a regular routine, “pushing oneself to the limit,” “and modifying the program to suit one’s unique needs and abilities,” the individual can achieve remarkable results and maintain a high level of physical fitness throughout their golden years. It is worth noting that the information presented in this article is not merely the product of conjecture or hearsay, but rather has been distilled from the experiences of numerous individuals who have successfully implemented this approach.

The notion that one’s physical prime is a thing of the past is a romantic misconception, and with the right guidance and motivation ← →

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

Learn to communicate and inspire future generations. The opinions expressed on Fixes 4 You Forward are not all mine. It is important to appreciate multiple views and ideas.

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**Disclaimer:** The information presented on this site is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. You should always have a personal consultation with a healthcare professional before making changes to your diet, medication, or exercise routine.

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