Continue reading →: Joy Is The Justice We Give Ourselves: An Interview With J. Drew Lanham
Read more: Visit website In The News: Small Talk: The Best and Worst Things to Talk About Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of The Anxiety Workbook and founder of the website About Social Anxiety. She has a Master’s degree in clinical psychology. Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and…
Continue reading →: Discovering Outdoor Adventures In West Virginia’s Beautiful Hills And Mountains
As summer arrives, the hills and mountains of West Virginia beckon for outdoor enthusiasts of all levels. According to Morgan Haas, Associate Director of the West Virginia University Adventure WV program, there’s no shortage of recreational opportunities for both solo adventurers and families. The knowledgeable staff at Adventure WV knows…
Continue reading →: Saturday Morning Gardening: A Day Of Physical Health Benefits
Staff inbox at nytimes.com: I spent last Saturday morning surrounded by the sounds of cicadas, with dirt covering my ⁙⁙⁙, and a developing sunburn on my neck. Despite the grueling conditions, I managed to plant a variety of annuals, transplant fall-blooming mums, and pull out a Montauk daisy that had…
Continue reading →: Influencer Struggles With Weight
According to E! Online, Remi, an influencer, shared a video on her Instagram page on May 21, showing her progress in building mental, emotional, and physical strength over the course of a few months. The video included before-and-after shots, with the latter showing Remi effortlessly completing pull-ups on a gym…
Continue reading →: Empowering Girls At Kingfield
The Girls on the Run program at Kingfield Elementary School has been empowering third to fifth-grade girls through a unique curriculum designed specifically for their age group. The program, which currently enrolls 10 girls with an average of 8-12 participants yearly, aims to build each girl’s “star power” and confidence…
Continue reading →: Talent And Company Culture
Forbes, a prestigious business publication, has featured David Rizzo, the head of talent strategy and operations at Deloitte, a management consulting firm. Rizzo has been focused on how talent and culture impact business performance and employee meaning for over 25 years. He leads a team at Deloitte that provides talent…
Continue reading →: Indoor Fun In Gatlinburg
Information column from Knoxville News Sentinel: A rainy day in Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge can spontaneously alter your plans. However, East Tennessee’s unpredictability shouldn’t dampen your spirits. There are plenty of exciting indoor activities to explore in the region near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Families of all ages…
Continue reading →: Bhutan’s Economic Approach Evolves
Bhutan, known for its unique philosophy of Gross National Happiness (GNH), is reportedly undergoing changes to its approach. This philosophy, introduced by former King Jigme Singye Wangchuck in the early 1970s, aimed to balance economic growth with the well-being of citizens. However, according to newly elected Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay,…
Continue reading →: High-fibre Foods For A Healthy Digestive System And Overall Well-being
As published in timesofindia.indiatimes.com: Fibre is an essential nutrient for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Lentils are a rich source of fibre, with one cup of boiled lentils containing a significant 18 grams. This high fibre content makes lentils an excellent choice for individuals looking to boost their fibre intake.…
Continue reading →: Parenting Opinions Differ Greatly
Staff inbox at _____: As a parent, one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that parenting can be a challenging, stressful, and unpredictable journey. Parents often receive an overwhelming amount of advice and opinions from various sources, including family members, strangers, and online platforms. While these opinions may come…
Continue reading →: Chris Bumstead’s Fitness Plan
Review by Generation Iron Fitness & Strength Sports Network: Crafting an effective diet and exercise plan can be daunting, with many individuals focusing too much on exercise and neglecting their nutrition. However, research highlights the crucial role of well-planned diets in achieving top-notch athletic performance. Both a good workout and…
Continue reading →: Philanthropic Work In Community
Edna Dixon was a woman who left an indelible mark on her community. For decades, she dedicated herself to philanthropic work, earning the respect and admiration of countless individuals. Her dedication to making a difference in the —s of others was unparalleled, and her legacy continues to inspire and motivate…