The 5:2 diet has several famous fans, including George Osborne and Benedict Cumberbatch. The scientific basis for the diet is somewhat contested. The diet has helped many people, according to their testimonials. The diet was created by Mosley, who got interested in it to combat his own type 2 diabetes. Mosley has personal dietary habits, enjoying alcohol and chocolate, but tries to minimize his booze intake and suggested exercising after big meals.
Mosley created a documentary, The Truth About Exercise, “to explore the benefits of intense workouts.”.. and found that his insulin sensitivity improved but his aerobic fitness did not.
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The diet had several famous fans: the then Chancellor George Osborne lost two stone, on the advice of his aide Thea Rogers – who later became his wife. Benedict Cumberbatch also took up the 5:2 diet to slim down for his role in the BBC series Sherlock. The scientific basis for the diet was somewhat contested, but many said that it had helped them, while Mosley said he got interested in dieting to combat his own type 2 diabetes.
Mosley explained that he was “more 6:1” in his dietary habits, and enjoyed alcohol and chocolate.
However, Mosley said he tries to “minimise the amount of booze I drink” by alternating a glass of water for every glass of alcohol. He also suggested going on a “brisk walk” after a big meal such as Christmas dinner to help “divert some of that fat and sugar from my blood into my muscles, where it can be safely burnt off”.