• Gen Z is getting married, with the oldest Gen Zers reaching marrying age in their mid-20s, and they’re putting their own spin on nuptials by letting go of some antiquated traditions.
• The Knot, a top wedding planning and wedding vendor marketplace, surveyed over 9,000 couples in the US who either took the plunge last year or are planning to in 2024 to understand evolving approaches that couples are taking to wedding planning.
• According to Tim Chi, CEO of TheKnot Worldwide, in an interview with CNN, young couples are more at ease with breaking from convention, as seen in the dethroning of Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect” as the top first-song dance choice last year, with Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling In Love” taking the top spot.
• The survey found that Gen Z and Millennials are together putting their own spin on weddings, with a focus on personalization and breaking away from traditional wedding norms.
As the oldest GenZers reach marrying age in their mid-20s, they’re increasingly putting their own spin on nuptials, which includes letting go of some antiquated traditions.